We break down the full infection chain of the Brazilian-targeted threat BBTok and demonstrate how to deobfuscate the loader DLL using PowerShell, Python, and dnlib.
In a complex infection chain that starts with an email containing an ISO image, this malware stands out by its way of compiling C# code directly on the infected machine. It also uses a technique known as AppDomain Manager Injection to advance execution. Articles from Checkpoint and TrendMicro describe a similar infection chain and attribute it to BBTok banker, but to our knowledge, no one has yet published an analysis on the obfuscated .NET based loader named Trammy.dll.
The loader writes a log file with obscure words onto infected machines, for which we provide a translation table so that incident responders can decode the logs.
The obfuscation of Trammy.dll, which uses a ConfuserEx variant, prevents current automatic tools from retrieving the strings. We provide the necessary scripts and commands to deobfuscate them.
Recently, we discovered several malicious ISO images[F1-4] in our telemetry, apparently targeting Brazilian entities. A comment on Virustotal mentions that they are delivered via email. All these ISOs[F1-4] contain one Windows shortcut file (LNK)[F5] and one folder (see figure 1). Inside the folder we found an executable[F6], an XML file[F7], a PDF[F8] and a ZIP archive[F9].
The LNK file[F5], DANFE10103128566164.pdf.lnk, links to the executable[F6] in the folder and passes the XML file[F7] as input along with the –nologo option. All files inside the ISO[F1] are named "DANFE10103128566164" which includes the Portuguese acronym "DANFE". The acronym means "Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal Electronica" and refers to a digital invoice usually distributed in PDF format between Brazilian companies.
The attackers take advantage of this by disguising the LNK file[F5] with the PDF icon that is embedded within the standard Microsoft Edge executable (msedge.exe) of the system to lure targets into executing it.
The executable, DANFE10103128566164.exe[F6], is a validly signed Microsoft Build Engine version 4.7.3190.0 (MSBuild.exe). The malware uses it to compile malicious C# code embedded within the XML file[F7] on the infected machine (see figure 2). The result of the compilation process is a .NET DLL[F13] which is dropped and executed in the local TEMP folder with a randomized name. Since the plain C# code is included in the XML file[F7], the analysis is straightforward.
First, the freshly compiled .NET DLL[F13] opens the decoy PDF[F8] which displays a DANFE invoice to the target user. Afterwards, it extracts the ZIP archive[F9] and copies the Microsoft Build Engine[F6] to C:\ProgramData\regid.5498-06.com.microsoft[P1] via PowerShell. Finally, it leverages a UAC bypass using ProgIDs together with the auto-elevated system binary computerdefaults.exe to run the Microsoft Build Engine[F6] once again.
This time, however, MSBuild.exe[F6] does not compile C# code again but runs another DLL, Trammy.dll[F10], based on project configuration file[F11]. Both are extracted from the previously mentioned ZIP archive[F9]. To prevent consecutive execution of the UAC bypass, it creates a local mutex called TiiSbtvhvbCMW.
Figure 3 shows a comprehensive overview of this part of the infection chain.
The configuration file[F11] declares the class SacApp.SacApp
of Trammy.dll[F10] as AppDomainManager (see figure 4). An AppDomainManager is responsible for customizing the AppDomain of an application, which is an isolated environment for the managed code.
That means declaring SacApp.SacApp
as AppDomainManager leads to the execution of malicious code in InitializeNewDomain()
- a standard method that has been overridden by SacApp.SacApp[F10]. This technique is known as AppDomain Manager Injection.
DANFE10103128566164.dll[F10], is not packed but obfuscated with ConfuserEx. It has the module name Trammy.dll. Specific deobfuscation tools like NoFuserEx and de4dot-cex remove the control flow flattening, but do not automatically retrieve the strings.
There are five string decode methods and each one takes an integer as key that it uses to compute the deobfuscated string. After applying de4dot-cex to the DLL, we retrieve all these keys using dnlib and Python. This code searches for pairs of ldc_i4
and call
instructions, and returns the ldc_i4
operands. This may return more than the string decoding keys, but it does not matter for the steps that follow.
import clr
import dnlib
from dnlib.DotNet import *
from dnlib.DotNet.Emit import OpCodes
def extract_values_from_method(method):
if not method.HasBody: return []
values = []
instr = [x for x in method.Body.Instructions]
while len(instr) >= 2:
ldc_i4 = instr[0]
call_instr = instr[1]
if ldc_i4.OpCode.Code == OpCodes.Ldc_I4.Code and call_instr.OpCode.Code == OpCodes.Call.Code:
print('found pattern in', method)
i4_val = ldc_i4.GetLdcI4Value()
print('value', i4_val)
instr = instr[1:]
return values
def extract_values_from_module(module):
values = []
for t in module.GetTypes():
for m in t.Methods:
return values
afile = r"DANFE10103128566164.dll"
module = ModuleDefMD.Load(afile) # type: ignore
values = extract_values_from_module(module)
We use DnSpy's IL editing feature to remove the anti-reversing checks from the five string decoding methods. Every methods starts with an if statement that checks if the caller is the current assembly. If it is not the current assembly, an empty string will be returned. Replacing the if statement with NOP instructions allows us to execute the code from PowerShell.
We recover the strings dynamically for each method using the following PowerShell commands. The variable $nums
is an array of all the keys that we extracted with the previous script. The string decoding methods have two characteristics that must be taking into account.
and cannot be accessed via [namespace.ClassName]::methodname()
. So we resolve the string decoding methods via their token instead (here 0x6000005).MakeGenericMethod([string])
.$nums = @(<extracted keys>)
$assembly = [Reflection.Assembly].LoadFile("DANFE10103128566164_antidebug_fixed.dll")
$method = $assembly.ManifestModule.ResolveMethod(0x6000005)
$gen = $method.MakeGenericMethod([string])
$nums | ForEach-Object { try { "$($_):" + $gen.Invoke($null, @( $_.PSObject.BaseObject )) } catch {} } > result.txt
The last command creates a mapping of the keys for the string decoding methods to the deobfuscated strings. The try-catch swallows any error messages that would be printed due to wrong keys.
We repeat these commands for all string decoding methods until we have a merged result.txt that contains all keys and decoded strings. This file will also have empty mappings that we remove with by replacing the regex ^.*:\r\n$
with nothing. We transform the result into a Python dictionary by replacing ^(-?\d+):(.*)$
with \1:r'\2',
(Notepad++ syntax). Then we slightly modify the previous Python script so that it replaces call
instructions to the string decoding functions with ldstr
instructions and the appropriate deobfuscated string as operand.
import clr
import dnlib
from dnlib.DotNet import *
from dnlib.DotNet.Emit import OpCodes
strings_dict = { <key to deobfuscated string from previous step> }
def decrypt_strings_from_method(method):
if not method.HasBody: return []
instr = [x for x in method.Body.Instructions]
while len(instr) >= 2:
ldc_i4 = instr[0]
call_instr = instr[1]
if ldc_i4.OpCode.Code == OpCodes.Ldc_I4.Code and call_instr.OpCode.Code == OpCodes.Call.Code:
i4_val = ldc_i4.GetLdcI4Value()
if i4_val in strings_dict:
dec_str = strings_dict.get(i4_val)
call_instr.OpCode = OpCodes.Ldstr
call_instr.Operand = dec_str
ldc_i4.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop
print('decoded', dec_str)
instr = instr[1:]
def decrypt_strings_from_module(module):
for t in module.GetTypes():
for m in t.Methods:
afile = r"DANFE10103128566164_fixed_antidebug.dll"
module = ModuleDefMD.Load(afile)
out_file = afile + '.deobfus'
We execute the script on the Trammy.dll and successfully deobfuscate the strings. As a final step, we use Simple Assembly Explorer to remove indirect calls by selecting the 'Nothing' profile in the deobfuscator and enabling the 'Direct Call' option.
Figures 5 and 6 show the SacApp.SacApp.InitializeNewDomain
method before and after applying string deobfuscation and indirect call removal.
Trammy.dll[F10] starts execution in the method InitializeNewDomain()
of SacApp.SacApp
because it has been declared as AppDomainManager by the config[F11].
First, it opens the decoy PDF[F8]. Then it checks if the malicious code shall be run. Two conditions need to be met
hxxp://ipwho(dot)is/ must report that the IP is Brazilian
While the first condition ensures that the code is only executed once, the second check confirms that the malware runs in the targeted area Brazil. That way automatic sandbox systems are hindered from determining maliciousness unless they use Brazilian IPs or proxies.
The malware creates a log file in C:\ProgramData\log.txt[P3] that encodes stages of execution with specific keywords.
Log entry | Meaning |
START | The checks 1. and 2. succeeded and the main malicious routine executed |
ADMIN | malware had admin rights |
R | attempted to create a mutex ‘KOKKIIKKKOOOO’ |
MTX_F | mutex ‘KOKKIIKKKOOOO’ was created successfully |
CP | CCProxy was downloaded and installed as service |
T | OS information was extracted |
SV | Service that autoruns the Delphi payload as fake explorer.exe[F14] was created |
Additionally, potential exception messages and their stack traces are written to the log.
That means incident responders can locate this log file to figure out what the malware did to the infected system.
Trammy.dll[F10] obtains the following information via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) from the ManagementObject Win32_OperatingSystem:
Furthermore, it obtains the SerialNumber for all Win32_PhysicalMedia objects and appends the string ‘VM’ whenever the serial number is null, most likely used as indicator that the malware is running in a virtual machine. The malware also obtains a list of all antivirus programs. The resulting information is sent to the URL below[U1]
Next, Trammy.dll[F10] schedules a task that adds the folder C:\ProgramData to Windows Defender’s exclusions.
The DLL contacts the open directory hxxps://fileondemandd(dot)site/[U2] (see figure 8) and downloads the ZIP archive filea.tat[F12].
The archive is password protected. The password is vsfdefender and has not been changed in a long time, e.g., the archives in the Checkpoint article from one year ago also use this password (samples are named BBTok by Checkpoint with filenames fe, fe2, and fe235). However, this password only succeeds for the files that are being used by the malware. Attempting to unpack the whole archive with this password results in ‘wrong password’ error messages. This could be intentional to thwart bruteforcing of the archive’s password.
We obtained seven files from the ZIP archive[F12]. Six of them (CCProxy.exe[F15], wke.dll[F16], Web.exe[F17], CCProxy.ini, AccInfo.ini and LeftTime.ini) belong to the CCProxy application developed by Youngzsoft Co., Ltd that can be used, for example, to filter and monitor network traffic. Trammy.dll[F10] extracts all of them to C:\Program Files\SearchIndexer[P4] except for Web.exe[F17] which remains unused. CCProxy.exe[F15], masked as Searchlndexer.exe (with small "L" instead of large "i"), is the main application and registered as a local service which automatically starts on Windows boot. CCProxy.ini and AccInfo.ini configure CCProxy to accept HTTP connections from localhost on port 8118, which is used to disguise the communication with the CnC server[U3].
The wke.dll[F16] is superfluous because it is only required by the non-extracted Web.exe[F17]. The seventh file is named explorer.exe[F14] and was compiled with Embarcadero Delphi 11.0 Alexandria. Trammy.dll[F10] extracts it to the program data folder and registers it as a local service as well. In previous articles (link 1, link 2), the Delphi payload was BBTok.
After establishing persistence, Trammy.dll[F10] creates the empty file internal_drive_version2.3.4.txt[P2], which is used to determine if the code already ran. Then Trammy.dll[F10] displays the default Windows license expiration warning and reboots the system. On reboot, the CCProxy service starts with its custom configuration and the fake explorer.exe[F14] is called with a renamed filea.tat[F12] as argument. Figure 9 shows the overview for this part of the infection chain.
In our next article, we will describe how the Delphi payload[F14] communicates with the CNC server[U3] via CCProxy using the Realthinclient SDK.
[F1] DANFE10103128566164.iso
[F2] DANFE10103124952781.iso
[F3] DANFE10103122718132.iso
[F4] DANFE10103121443891.iso
[F5] DANFE10103128566164.pdf.lnk
[F6] DANFE10103128566164.exe - legitimate MSBuild
[F7] DANFE10103128566164.xml
[F8] DANFE10103128566164.pdf - decoy document
[F9] DANFE10103128566164.zip
[F10] DANFE10103128566164.dll - Trammy.dll
[F11] DANFE10103128566164.exe.config - registers AppDomainManager
[F12] filea.tat - ZIP archive
[F13] .NET DLL after compilation of [F7]
[F14] fake explorer.exe - Delphi payload
[F15] Searchlndexer.exe - CCProxy
[F16] wke.dll
[F17] Web.exe
[U1] Malware panel
[U2] File storage
[U3] RTC Portal Gateway
[P1] C:\ProgramData\regid.5498-06.com.microsoft\
[P2] C:\ProgramData\internal_drive_version2.3.4.txt
[P3] C:\ProgramData\log.txt
[P4] C:\Program Files\SearchIndexer\