Volcano Eyjafjallajoekull spits spam mails


Recently, G Data receives spam mails with "volcano" subject lines. The topicality of the Icelandic volcano eruption brings cyber criminals to use the topic for their means - they send spam mails, which lead shady online pharmacy shops.

Subject examples:

Fears volcano chaos will continue abjoint
Fears volcano chaos will continue actionless
Fears volcano chaos will continue adnexed
Fears volcano chaos will continue advert
Iceland volcano disrupts flights absentee
Iceland volcano disrupts flights accumulable
Iceland volcano disrupts flights adore
Iceland volcano disrupts flights adventurist
Sport left grounded by volcano ablegates
Sport left grounded by volcano acedias
Sport left grounded by volcano aerolith
Sport left grounded by volcano aerophysics
Volcano ash affects air travel acroesthesia


Screenshot of one of the volcano mails:


Screenshot: A fragment of the linked online pharmacy store website